When I look at at this painting, I see the effect that Mr. Ross taught today. It was a lighting technique and it makes it look like the light is coming from behind the tree. I like this technique and it may be one of my favorites so far. I used the wet on wet techniques and used a white on the background colors that are there (but you can't see them). That brought out the crimson, white and blue color that lights up the woods behind the tree. Pretty cool.
Bob says we should enjoy God's creation by just looking out the window. I like it that Bob talks about God. I think nature shows what a creative God we have and I think Bob thought so too. The name of this painting is "Serenity" and I think that is another word that describes nature. You can go outside and listen to the birds and feel the breeze and see all of the wonderful works and it is just serene.
I have to admit though, that I do not always feel the love and joy when I am painting. Mostly, I am saying things like, "...that doesn't look like his....ugh.....that is a not so happy little tree.....ahhhh! Then at least once during the painting, I want to throw it out. That's normal.....right? I have the window open so I am not breathing paint thinner...yikes. One cool thing though:
When I get to the end or take a moment to step back, I always see more than what I could see up close.
I think sometimes we are too close to a situation and cannot see it clearly. We have to pause for a moment to step back and take in the whole picture. I believe this is true when we are praying too for a situation or a person. Sometimes we are so close that we can't see what God is doing and He is doing something. If we take a step back though while keeping our feet planted on the Word we will be able to see the rest of the picture and the thing about that.....it will look like the whole picture too.
About 18 years ago, I was having a little chat with God and I told Him that I was ready for a husband. (In the appropriate words of one of my dear friends.....So Funny!) Anyway, God told me that I had some stuff to take care and of and to let HIm take care of the husband part. Okay God, but can I at least be friends with my future husband because I want to be friends first. Silence........
One day, not long after that, I met a guy. A cute guy. A guy at church....even better, right? We became friends and at some point even became best friends. Whew! You don't know how many times I had to take a step back, keep both feet on the Word and look at the whole picture. And no....the whole picture did not have anything to do with my cute best friend. The whole picture was about me keeping my eyes on God and what He wanted for me and my life.
What happened to my friend? He asked me to marry him and I did. He is a huge blessing and I love him. We have both talked about it before and agreed that if we had gotten married any earlier than we did that it probably would not have worked because we both still had so much to work on. So, once again.....when we are too close to the situation, step back, with both feet on the Word and check out the whole picture.