January 22nd, 2019
Okay...so I finished my Cliffside painting. You can check out the pics above. Mine is on the left and Bob's is on the right. I learned some what to do's and what not to do's . Do: make sure you have a wooden palette. Not to do: try not to get oil paint all over your hands...yuck. I don't have long before the next deadline. Tomorrow by 3pm. Can I do it? Whew! I am going to try.
I have been reading about the Daniel fast. I have done fasts in the past, but never really felt connected and always wondered why? When I would hear that it had become more about weight loss or a competition with others on who can last the longest....well....I just tuned out. I never thought that it was supposed to be about all that. Isaiah 58 talks about how to fast. Reading books is nice, but I suggest going straight to the Word and finding the answers there. because the people that write the books or tell you how to do it do not always have it right. I do think it is all about the heart . That is so God. It is about our heart towards Him. It is not about a lot of rules to follow the right way and then ding ding ding at the end we get a prize. It is about us drawing near to Him. One new thing I learned from Isaiah 58 is that during our fast we are supposed to help others. I am sure I have heard that, but not "heard heard" it before. So we are supposed to fast for the right reason which is getting closer to God and while we are doing that, we are supposed to help others. I like both of those things.