I am going to paint Bob Ross paintings for a year. I will start out with 1 a week, then 2 to 3 a week, then 4 to 5 a week, then 5 to 7. Whew!
It starts today, now at 3:00pm: January 9th, 2019. It will be a YEAR LONG CHALLENGE.
Reason 1:
Look at what is going on around us. It is a time of total unrest between people of all ages and ethnicity. People seem to be arguing all of the time about politics, religion and who is wrong about this or that and why. It is one group against another group and no one seems to remember the word unity. I want to take a step back and get back to some peace and joy. All the negativity can take a toll.It is not productive and really not very good for us either.
Reason 2:
I love landscapes and I would love to be able to paint them well. That is probably one of the main reasons I wanted to do this challenge. Driving over the mountain from North Carolina into East Tennessee, I am always in awe. Majestic mountains. Sitting in front of the ocean, I am mesmerized by the beauty.
Reason 3:
I want to use this to work on writing and enter the land of vlogging too. I am looking into some lighting and screen equipment so it will be more professional. I love to learn and I think through this process I will get to learn about alot of stuff I know nothing about.
This will happen wherever I am. Sometimes I am in Tennessee. Sometimes I am in Virginia. Sometimes I am in Florida. So, it will happen wherever I am that day.
I am going to watch Bob Ross on Netflix and paint. When I run out of episodes on there or just want something different, I will find some more episodes. I will use some of this supplies and some of mine and when I do not have them, I may improvise too. I am also going to be documenting my journey with photos, a vlog and some blogging.
Sound easy? Well, let me introduce my self: Hello, I am a married mom with 4 kids. Two of those kids, I teach full time. Yep, I homeschool. Now before you think that it easy, let me say to you in the most southern genteel way; "You are clueless!" I am going to let you figure that one out on your own because that is another blog for another day. So, after teaching all day day, lesson plans and grading papers, my kids are also involved in after school activites . In my spare time, (hahaha) I run a business in a different state and I write children's books and short stories and am involved in another challenge for that (12x12). So, I told you all of that to say.....I'm a just a little busy.
Oh yeah, one more thing....
While doing this challenge, I don't want other areas of my life to suffer, especially my prayer life.
Prayer first and then Painting.
Looking forward to time with God and happy little trees.